June McColm

Lead Paralegal

Email: jmccolm@umich.edu
Telephone: (734) 647-6096
Fax: (734) 647-6100

Secretary:  Ashley Greene
Telephone: (734) 647-6095
Email: ashfree@umich.edu

9000 Wolverine Tower
3003 South State Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1288

Primary Practice Areas

  • Gifts and Bequests
  • Bequest Administration
  • Litigation

June joined the University of Michigan Office of the Vice President and General Counsel in 2002.  As Lead Paralegal, June’s primary work is in the area of realized bequests to U-M from wills and trusts.  In addition, she works with in-house counsel to review gift agreements and bequests to U-M.  When necessary, she provides litigation support in both state and federal lawsuits over contested estates.

June has over thirty years of legal experience, beginning her legal career in corporate litigation as the assistant to the senior partner of a major Detroit law firm, where she worked for nearly twenty years.  She has a degree in human resources management and received her paralegal certificate from the American Institute for Paralegal Studies in 2013.